Wastewater and Sewage Monitoring
To prevent ill-intended discharge of industrial wastewater, automatic monitoring systems to monitor water quantity and quality, CCTV, and data transmission systems for industrial, power plant, and science park sewage systems for exclusive use shall be installed in accordance with the Water Pollution Control Measures and Test Reporting Management Regulations. Enterprises rerouting the discharge of wastewater, discharging a large quantity of pollutants, and discharging wastewater or sewage contained substances harmful to the health as announced under the Water Pollution Control Act shall also install automatic monitoring systems and disclose relevant information on Continuous Waste Water Monitoring Open Data System established by the MOENV, so that no enterprise may discharge wastewater without being noticed.
continuous automatic monitoring of wastewater and sewage
Thanks to Internet service, video surveillance facilities and water quality and quantity monitoring instruments transmit data in real time to the system, and the data are made available to the competent authority or the public via the Continuous Waste Water Monitoring Open Data System.
Monitoring site and items-industrial parks
For the locations and requirements for the installation of automatic wastewater and sewage monitoring, water quantity monitoring shall be installed at the inflow for industrial parks that discharge more than 1,500 m3/day of wastewater (sewage) as specified in the discharge permit; and water quantity and quality monitoring, along with video surveillance, shall be established at the discharge point. The water quality monitoring includes water temperature, H+ ion concentration index, electric conductivity, chemical oxygen demand, and suspended solids. In addition, video surveillance shall be installed at rainwater discharge point if specified by the competent authority. A link shall be established to the local environmental protection bureau for data transmission.
Monitoring site and items - Enterprises(>5000)
For the locations and requirements for the installation of automatic wastewater and sewage monitoring, water quantity and quality monitoring, along with video surveillance, shall be established at the discharge point for industrial zones that discharge more than 5,000 m3/day of wastewater (sewage) as specified in the discharge permit. The water quality monitoring includes water temperature, H+ ion concentration index, electric conductivity, chemical oxygen demand, and suspended solids. A link shall be established to the local environmental protection bureau for data transmission.
Monitoring site and items - Enterprises(1500~5000)
For the locations and requirements for the installation of automatic wastewater and sewage monitoring, water quantity and quality monitoring shall be established at the discharge point for industrial zones that discharge between 1,500 and 5,000 m3/day of wastewater (sewage) as specified in the discharge permit. The water quality monitoring includes water temperature, H+ ion concentration index and electric conductivity. A link shall be established to the local environmental protection bureau for data transmission.
Monitoring site and items-Power Plants
For the locations and requirements for the installation of automatic wastewater and sewage monitoring, water quality and quantity monitoring shall be established at the discharge point for power plants where the discharged water makes no contact with cooling water or air pollution prevention facility with seawater desulfurization and, additionally, video surveillance for desulfurization facility. For the discharged water not in contact with cooling water, the water quality monitoring includes water temperature; for wastewater from desulfurization, the water quality monitoring includes H+ ion concentration index. A link shall be established to the local environmental protection bureau for data transmission.
Monitoring site and items-Major violation and mandatory installation
For the locations and requirements for the installation of automatic wastewater and sewage monitoring, water quality monitoring shall be installed at the intake/outlet of water treatment facility along with video surveillance; dedicated independent electronic watt-hour meter shall be installed at wastewater (sewage) (pre)processing facility; and water quantity and quality monitoring and video surveillance shall be provided at discharge point, intake/outlet of storage facility at discharge point for those of major violation or mandatory installation as specified in Article 56 of the Water Pollution Control Measures and Test Reporting Management Regulations. The water quality monitoring includes water temperature, H+ ion concentration index and electric conductivity. A link shall be established to the local environmental protection bureau for data transmission. In addition, when the discharge point is located within work environment and a discharge bypass is found, an automatic display bulletin shall be established at or next to the front gate to provide the information quantity of water discharged and water quality. A link shall be established to the local environmental protection bureau for data transmission.
Monitoring site and items-Public Sewage Treatment Facilities
For the locations and requirements for the installation of automatic wastewater and sewage monitoring, water quantity monitoring shall be installed at the inflow for public wastewater treatment plants that discharge more than 1,500 m3/day of wastewater (sewage) as specified in the discharge permit; and water quantity and quality monitoring, along with video surveillance, shall be established at the discharge point. The water quality monitoring includes chemical oxygen demand, and suspended solids. In addition, video surveillance shall be installed at rainwater discharge point if specified by the competent authority. A link shall be established to the local environmental protection bureau for data transmission.